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How to Look After and Maintain Your Tools - Part 3

How to Look After and Maintain Your Tools - Part 3

Home Depot has all the tools you need for home projects and more. With a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can save money on all the best tools. Cleaning your tools is an essential part of keeping them in good condition and prolonging their life. As soon as you notice any dirt, use a brush to scrub away the grime. Afterwards, use mild soap and water to clean them. Never use harsh chemicals as they can be harmful.


Keeping manuals

Keeping manuals for tools you use on a regular basis is a great way to avoid forgetting important instructions. Some people even collect and store product manuals. However, it is best to keep them in their original form. Most people prefer to keep the hard copy. It's also good practice to keep warranty information.


Some organizations prefer to create separate manuals for each machine or subsystem. Electronic versions of manuals can be easily updated, are portable, and are searchable from anywhere. They also have a consistent layout, which makes them easier to scan and retain as a valuable resource.


While creating manuals for tools, be sure to consult with front-line managers and other stakeholders. These are the ones who often field questions and see inefficiencies. If they are involved in the process, they will be more likely to be invested in it and make sure it is used.


O&M manuals are created collaboratively, and can be created by an internal team or with external consultants. Depending on your needs, you can also consult with executives of similar facilities to help you develop your manual. While your HR and finance departments may not be actively involved in the process, they can provide insight into the equipment and its regular operating characteristics. They can also help you keep track of decommission information for physical assets.


Cleaning after each use

Cleaning your tools after use is a vital step in keeping them in good condition. This maintenance process should start as soon as possible, with a brush or soft cleaning implements. Make sure to use mild soap and water to clean all tools, and avoid harsh chemicals. If you're not sure how to clean your tools, follow these steps.


The first step is to disinfect all your tools. You can use a disinfectant that is registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or you can use a solution of isopropyl alcohol. The solution should remain wet for at least five minutes after use, but preferably longer.


The next step is to clean the drawers and surfaces of your tools. You should use a cleaning agent that is designed for this purpose, such as Dawn(r) Platinum. The cleaner should be applied to the surface of the tools and the edges to remove any debris. If you can't reach these areas, use a toothbrush to clean them.

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