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5 ways to save money this Thanksgiving

5 ways to save money this Thanksgiving

Home Depot has been helping Americans save money on home essentials and home maintenance for decades. 2020 has been a tough year financially for a lot of people and thanksgiving is just around the corner. Christmas follows soon after and budgets are stretched to the absolute limit this year.  It makes sense, therefore, that we share 5 ways to save money this Thanksgiving (and Christmas) that can help everyone and anyone.

Shop smart, shop early

This is especially important for those large families who are planning on cooking a large meal. Shopping early for many Thanksgiving items is a great way to save money or at least stretch money further. In the few weeks leading up to thanksgiving it makes sense to shop around and find those bargains or find things you know you need while you perhaps have a little spare cash in your pocket. Smart shopping such a shopping online rather than in the store is all about planning and saving money.

Keep décor simple

It is easy to go overboard with decorating your home in the holiday spirit. While making your house look amazing is part of thanksgiving it is not the full meaning of it. Keeping your décor simple, using last years decorations or just going full DIY all save money. Thanksgiving is very much about the feeling inside not about the décor and showing off. There are many ways to make up for having less expensive décor and all come from the heart.

Keep your meal simple

The thanksgiving meal is often the most expensive part of the holiday and while the meal is important it can often be trimmed down. Many thanksgiving tables heave with the sheer overload of food and much of this is wasted and that means money is wasted. Halving portions and keeping the meal simple will save money and perhaps bring back much of the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

No Paper Plates

A lot of people use paper plates and disposable cutlery for their thanksgiving meal believing it will save effort when it comes to washing up. While it may save time and effort disposable everything can cost quite a lot of money. Even it all your plates and cutlery do not match use them, the money you save will be noticed in a big way. The washing up wont take that much longer, especially if you all work together and happiness will still reign and thanks can still be given.

Use a Coupon

Home Depot will be closed on Thanksgiving day due to COVID-19, however in the run up to the holiday using a We Are Coupons Home Depot Money Saving Coupon is the best way to save money. Coupons save instant money and using a Home Depot Coupon when shopping online will drop your jaw as the saving can be significant

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